Assemble PE Drum

Giá: Liên hệ

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: (d)500mm x (H)800mm

  • Material: HDPE


  • The product has reflective strips around it, enhancing visibility from multiple directions.

  • The product quality is aligned with a reasonable cost.


  • The product can be easily disassembled (into two halves) and stored, saving warehouse space.

  • The product can be filled with stones, gravel, or sand to increase weight.

  • It can be combined with other traffic safety warning products such as reflective posts, LED lights, and solar-powered reflective posts.

  • Easy to transport, install, and assemble.

Installation Locations:

  • Installed in areas without guardrails, on embankments, or in construction zones along the roadside.

  • Installed on provincial roads, in areas under construction, or in locations with underdeveloped road conditions.

Technical Drawing

Origin: Vietnam, manufactured using Korean materials and technology.
